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Writer's pictureAlly Mentlik

Bringing Your Dog to Fall Festivities: Is It Really a Good Idea?

Updated: 1 day ago

Does your dog really want to go to that brewery, pumpkin patch, or festival?

A small dog with a white face sitting on a porch. Pumpkins and mums are in the background.

Fall is here, the weather’s cooling off, and there are so many fun activities happening! Apple picking, pumpkin patches, trick-or-treating, breweries, cideries, wineries—you name it, and I’ve probably seen a dog there. Some places welcome pups, others not so much. And often, we think our dogs will love joining us for these outings. It’s a fun day out, we’ll snap some great pictures, and it’s better than leaving them home alone, right? But let’s take a step back and think this through.

For some dogs, yes, these activities can be a blast! But ask yourself a few important questions: Does my dog actually enjoy being away from home? Are they comfortable in the car? Do they have experience around all kinds of people—different ages, heights, and genders? Are they okay with busy environments and loud outdoor noise? And, a big one—can they comfortably walk past other dogs on a leash?

Also, are you prepared to pack for your dog’s needs? Water, a blanket for rest if you’ll be sitting, bags for clean-up duty, and maybe a long-lasting chew to keep them busy while you’re relaxing with friends or enjoying a fall drink?

If you’re saying “yes” to all of that, then here’s the most important thing: Will you be patient with your dog? Will you let them sniff, explore, and move freely at their own pace? New environments come with new sights and smells that can be overwhelming or exciting for our dogs, so giving them space to experience that is key.

I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen dogs at these events getting scolded for barking, pulling on the leash, or trying to go in a different direction. It’s heartbreaking because while we might want that perfect fall day with our pup, sometimes they’d honestly rather stay home. And let’s be real—sometimes it’s easier on everyone if they do stay home.

So, the next time you’re planning on bringing your dog to fall festivities, take a moment to ask yourself these questions. If the answer is yes, great! Plan ahead by bringing water, a spot for them to rest, treats, and loads of patience to help your pup enjoy the day as much as you do. And if the answer is no, that’s totally okay, too! Let them enjoy a cozy day at home, and they’ll be thrilled to see you when you get back.

A brown down and a smaller gray and white dog are facing away from the camera. They are on a walk with a lot of fall foliage.

Peach isn't one for festivals or busy public outings but she loves a hike. We love the cooler weather and seeing the leaves change on quiet trails!

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